View Full Version : Sleeper: Linking worksheet together

06-15-2008, 05:14 AM
see attached worekbook
Hi Exerpts

I have two macro in module 5 and they are;-
1. Sub alaeod_improved_2(wsName As String) 'Add Line At End Of Data - which runs the tasks in worksheet "Cashflow Q4" - Prefect 100%
2. Sub alaeod_improved(wsName As String) 'Add Line At End Of Data - which runs the tasks in worksheet "Cashflow Yearly"

Re; Point 2. this is where the problem is the macro is supposed to do exactly the functional as the macro in point 1. how is it out of line by one row.....i.e. complete the following sequence and you will see.

1. Goto to worksheet "Deal Selection" and Gray Remove Macro Button row 4 - delete from the list Alternative_Suppliers

2. Follow sequence to complete task

3. From the same worksheet Add from grey macro button row - Alternative_Suppliers....

4. Goto to worksheet "CAshflow Q4"......evereything is fine...

5. Goto worksheet "CAshflow Yearly" look at row 6 has not deleted one line: so hence if you go to row 149 in worksheet "CAshflow Q4" this should be the same as row 149 in worksheet "CAshflow Yearly"......but when you compair the too. it is not

row 149 in worksheet "Cashflow Q4" = row 150 in worksheet "Cashflow Yearly" beacuse of the extra row that is left when you delete and add back via the macro buttons in workhseet "Deal Selection"......

How is i sink both worksheet together......