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View Full Version : Solved: Save button

06-15-2008, 03:04 PM
Is there a way of adding a save button into this so that i can change the last name and it will just change the last name of the person in that row..

Very simple vba coding here i know.. but i though id give you something simple i have done before and then transfer the code you give me onto the system i am now designing!!

Here is the attachment::: Please take a look and tell me how to do it:)

Simon Lloyd
06-15-2008, 03:10 PM
Although you provided an example you don't really explain what you are trying to do, change the name in which row when the button is pressed?

06-15-2008, 03:22 PM
as it is now you have the getvalues.

Private Sub GetValues(vRow As Integer)
txtID.Text = sourceZone.Cells(vRow, 1).Text
txtSurname.Text = sourceZone.Cells(vRow, 2).Text
txtForename.Text = sourceZone.Cells(vRow, 3).Text
End Sub

if i understand what you are trying to do correct. you just need a button that does the opposite.

Private Sub GetValues(vRow As Integer)
sourceZone.Cells(vRow, 1).Text = txtID.Text
sourceZone.Cells(vRow, 2).Text = txtSurname.Text
sourceZone.Cells(vRow, 3).Text = txtForename.Text
End Sub


06-15-2008, 03:26 PM
Thanks worked a treat :)