View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Create Table (SQL) in VBA using an Array and String Variable

06-26-2008, 02:19 PM
Hello All -

1. I'm trying to create a table in a MySQL DB by using a SQL statement via VBA in excel.
2. I have a named range in a hidden worksheet where I'm storing the field names after the user selects column headings from a visible data worksheet.
3. Because I do not know how many fields will be selected I created an Array that will include all non-blanks in the named range located in the hidden worksheet. The array is now a list of the field names that must be included in my SQL CREATE TABLE statement.
4. My problem is I can't figure out how to incorporate a dynamic SQL statement that will include only and all the elements in the array.
5. One suggestion I received was to create a string variable and write to that while I process / loop through each element in my array. Then, I can pass the string variable in an SQL statement as I connect to the MySQL DB via VBA.
Can anyone explain how to loop through an array (of field names) and store those names in a string variable that will be used in a SQL CREATE TABLE statement via VBA?

06-26-2008, 05:22 PM
Have you considered vLookup, with multiple offsets to hold the field name, data type and constraints. .02 Stan

06-27-2008, 05:22 AM
Hello stanl,

Thank you for your feedback. No, I have not.

08-01-2008, 01:57 PM
I figured this out. Here is the file that contains the code posted.

Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Sub Create_MySQL_Table_From_Excel()
Dim myItems() As Variant
Dim myItems2() As Variant
Dim SQL_Items_String As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim bound As Long
Dim c As Variant
Dim LastComma As Integer
Dim TableName As String
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim server_name As String
Dim database_name As String
Dim user_id As String
Dim password As String
Dim Length_of_myItems As String
Dim Find_Spaces As Long
Dim Replace_Spaces As Variant
' Table action variables from original post create by other VBAExpress user. Some of these variables are not used.
Dim sqlstr As String ' SQL to perform various actions
Dim table1 As String, table2 As String
Dim field1 As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim vtype As Variant
Dim k As Integer
' Establish connection to the database
server_name = "localhost" ' Enter your server name here - if running from a local computer use
database_name = "vbaexpress" ' Enter your database name here
user_id = "root" ' enter your user ID here
password = "" ' Enter your password here
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}" _
& ";SERVER=" & server_name _
& ";DATABASE=" & database_name _
& ";UID=" & user_id _
& ";PWD=" & password _
& ";OPTION=16427" ' Option 16427 = Convert LongLong to Int: This just helps makes sure that large numeric results get properly interpreted
' Various Actions
' Define variables (not all of the variables will be required for each action)
vtype = Array("Text", "LongText", "Int(10)", "Float", "Double", "Date", "Time") ' array of commonly used MySQL variable types
TableName = "table_from_excel"
' These "with" statments define the dynamic range of the arrays assuming we know the data will start in Cell a1 and b1
With Range("a1")
myItems() = Range(.Offset(0, 0), .End(xlToRight)).Value
End With
'This section removes all spaces in between words and replaces them with an underscore.
'myItemsSpace = myItems
bound = UBound(myItems, 2) ' You got an error when using Ubound(myarray) so you created this to make the length determination the loop by creating a new variable call bound.
For i = 1 To bound
'ReDim Preserve myItems(1, i)
On Error Resume Next
Find_Spaces = WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", myItems(1, i))
If Err.Number = 1004 Then
Find_Spaces = 0
End If
Length_of_myItems = Len(myItems(1, i))
Replace_Spaces = WorksheetFunction.Replace(myItems(1, i), Find_Spaces, 1, "_")
'MsgBox Replace_Spaces
'ReDim Preserve myItemsSpace(1, iSpace)
'myItemsSpace(1, iSpace) = Replace_Spaces
On Error Resume Next
'The Find() function will throw an error if it does not locatate the condition of the find - in this case a blank space, _
therefore you receive an error code 1004 indicatiing that the code sucessfully remove the space, so you told the code _
to set the variable Find_Space to zero if you received this error and jump to the next element in the array
Find_Spaces = WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", myItems(1, i))
If Err.Number = 1004 Then
Find_Spaces = 0
End If
If Find_Spaces > 0 Then
'ReDim Preserve myItems(1, i)
myItems(1, i) = Replace_Spaces
myItems(1, i) = myItems(1, i)
End If
Loop While CBool(Find_Spaces) = True
'reverse this code to export the names of the tables out of the database by finding the underscores and replacing with spaces.
Next i
myItems2 = myItems
bound = UBound(myItems, 2)
' You got an error when using Ubound(myarray) so you created this to make the length determination the loop _
by creating a new variable call bound.
For i = 1 To bound
ReDim Preserve myItems2(1, i)
myItems2(1, i) = myItems(1, i) & " " & "Text" & ","
Next i
For Each c In myItems2
Cells(4, 1) = Cells(4, 1) & c
Next c
Cells(4, 1) = Trim(Cells(4, 1))
LastComma = Len(Cells(4, 1)) 'find the length of the string to drop last comma
Cells(4, 1) = Left(Cells(4, 1), LastComma - 1)
Cells(4, 1) = "CREATE TABLE" & " " & TableName _
& "(" & (Cells(4, 1)) & ")"
sqlstr = Cells(4, 1).Value ' I did this so I could inspect the SQL and copy it and past it directly into The MYSQL DB. Be sure to remove the contents if you rerun the macro.
conn.Execute sqlstr ' Here is where the SQL string gets passed to the MYSQL DB
' Close connections
On Error Resume Next
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

11-20-2012, 11:32 AM
:clap: :clap: