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07-11-2008, 04:39 AM
I have a requirement to split the data in worksheet to many worksheets each contains 15000 rows. Total numbers of rows can be > 200000 each month.
data is returned after executing the stored procedure in sybase. After populating this data al corresponding PIVOT tables get refresh
I am able to refresh pivots after placing the data manually in excel sheets. Also i am able to fetch the data from VBA as excuting the Stored Procedure.
But due to limitation of rows in excel screen hangs up or full data doesn't come.
I want when data get splitted one column value should not distributed in 2 worksheet .
i.e., If sheet 1 has data for column_nbr 1 to 20 then for col 20 all values should be in same sheet
(for column_nbr 20 i dont wan the data to be half on batch1 sheet and half on Batch2 sheet )
and same time maintain the condition of 15000 rows in one sheet only.:banghead: