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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Problem with Web Service

02-28-2005, 09:57 AM
Hello everyone,
I am very much a newbie to VBA. I am a Java developer, and we want to be able to write VBA macros for clients to be able to access our web services through their excel in an oblique fashion. This would be a neat trick, unforunately I can't seem to make it work for my services with any type of complex type. Every time I run them, then I get an error "unspecified client error". I've tried a number of things including editing the wsdl to set all the min and maxOccurs to 1. This didn't seem to affect it. I have tried a service on the exact same system, using the same set-up (J2EE) and it works ok, but it only sends and recieves strings. This error is not really helpful, I've looked at a lot of VBA articles and tutorials, so I'm hoping some VBA-Jedi can give me an idea of something to look at, that might be causing this problem.

03-01-2005, 03:17 AM
Hi Kevin,

some more detail on what your trying to do would be helpful. If I understand it correctly, your client software is Excel running some VBA code that is passing data to server-side services written in Java.(?)
If strings are working but other data types are not, I would imagine that the error you are getting client-side is a type-mismatch and you have some kind of type-casting incompatability to overcome.
I don't know how complex your services are but I would suggest you find a way of testing the passing of the data types you need from the VBA code on the client, to server and back, perhaps starting with some VB Script on the server, then move to jScript and see how that works out.
Maybe I'm taking an over-simplistic view but from what you posted, it sounds like one of those problems that's so small you can't tell which way to start digging. It might be best to start ruling some stuff out first

Hope this helps

03-02-2005, 10:33 AM
HI Killian,

thanks for your reply. I finally chased the problem down to a problem with the service I was calling. The namespace of the XML being returned was not the same as what was in the WSDL. Obviously this is not good. I do think the VBA error messages could have been a little less cryptic