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View Full Version : Help with wierd way of doing things

07-21-2008, 03:10 AM
Hey guys.

My first post here and fairly new to VBA etc so go easy lol.

What I am trying to do is make a lil budget running sheet for myself.

I have worked out how much i need each week for certain things. for this example lets say $220 for rent and $200 for food.

What i want to do is add my weekly wage into a cell. (lets say A1 for this example and make it $1000).

when i add that in
i want it to split $220 off into cell D1 for rent. and split $200 off into cell D2 for food.

I am having trouble getting excel to move 220 from A1 into D1 and 200 from A1 to D2. A1 must show the running balance. which would now be $580.
A way i thought of doing this would be using the Userinput form and have the form move 220 to D1 and 200 to D2. and remaining balance into D3.

The other bit i have searched EVERYWHERE and had no luck finding anything to help me do is this.

I want to be able enter (lets say) 190 into cell F2 for how much i spent that week on food. Then when i enter this I want D2 to show the balance. $10.

THEN (i know it keeps going lol) when i click the add wage button again it will add 220 into D1 and 200 into D2 as per normal BUT D2 would now show 210 as i need it to roll the current value over into the new value.

Is any of this possible or am i dreaming.


07-21-2008, 03:28 AM
G'day Matt_971,

Welcome to the forum. Most of what you want to do can easily be done with normal formula type processes. However, that being said, it would be of great assistance to us, if you could show us on a worksheet, that which you currently have, and more importantly that which you are chasing.

07-21-2008, 03:39 AM
Hi Aussiebear.

What i basically want is something like attached.

I am working out the buttons etc now. Going through my old school books to work it all out again haha.

07-21-2008, 04:47 AM
have you ever thought about using one of the MS templates.

I use one for keeping track of my budgets and you can modify it fully to meet your needs.

I only mention this because you said you were a novice and this might speed things up.

Examples here:


07-21-2008, 10:40 PM