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View Full Version : Filter the specific data and find the difference

08-21-2008, 04:45 PM
Hi All,

Here is my requirement..

Actually i copy the raw data(.txt file) and paste in a sheet named sample.xls. then i align the date using text to columns and delete the non numeric rows. i have many rows of data, out of which i have to check only for the "vap" and "sap" in the column Vcode. I have filtered the vap and sap using the custom filter.

After filtering the required date i have to check for each value in the Bcode column. if i have 10 values i have to check all the 10 values.

For each Bcode there should be either vap or sap. There should not be both vap and sap for a single Bcode. If i find both of them for a particular Bcode then make a note of Bcode, Fcode, Ccode and the total of Acode in the sheet "Difference". Also select only value starting with vap in vcode find the total and make a note in difference sheet.

This is my query and i should note the values only when there is both vap and sap for a particular Bcode...

Hope i made it clear... Any help on this will be highly appreciated.

Also attached the sample sheet with the workings....

Bcode value say 557 is stated an example entry in attached file.


08-25-2008, 05:00 AM
Any help on this please...?

08-27-2008, 01:12 AM
can anyone help me out in this please...

08-29-2008, 05:01 PM
Am really struck with my requirement...
Is there anyone to help me...


08-30-2008, 04:20 AM
Because you have 16,000 rows with the same date, it makes a solution to the sample problematical. However, filtering for unique Bcodes and applying sumproduct identifies the potential duplicates, which you can then process further

09-02-2008, 03:43 PM
Am not sure how to proceed further..
Any guidance to my requirement...?


09-03-2008, 12:32 AM
Make your sample provide a more realistic output. What is the point in filtering 16k dates which are all the same?

09-07-2008, 05:58 AM

I have attached my sample with few datas..
Hope this will be helpful now..


09-07-2008, 05:59 AM
Here is the sample attachment...