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View Full Version : Solved: Custom toolbar for use in all instances of Excel

08-26-2008, 01:48 AM
I like to create my own toolbars in Word to use my own custom made functions (saving them to the Normal.dot in Word) and would like to do the same in Excel. However, I noticed there is no Normal.dot option when saving the macros.

Is it held elsewhere? If so, how would I go about achieving this feature?

I have already created a custom toolbar and functions, but it loads teh original workbook every time I use one of the macros (providing the workbook isn't loaded already).

Anyone else have this problem?

Jan Karel Pieterse
08-26-2008, 01:54 AM
Excel's equivalent is called Personal.xls.
Record a macro and tell excel to put it in "your" personal macro workbook to have Excel automagically create a personal.xls for you.
Then quit excel and "yes" to the prompt to save changes to your personal macro workbook.

08-26-2008, 02:10 AM
... automagically ......
Now there's the word for the day!:devil2:

08-26-2008, 03:52 AM
Awesome, thank you very much :)