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View Full Version : update master worksheet from multiple workbooks

08-26-2008, 07:05 AM
I have a workbook with a master sheet of data that I want to update from other workbooks that people use to manage their individual work. The master has these columns:
ActivityID, ActivityName, Description, AssignedTo, sDate, eDate, Effort, ActualHours, cEndDate, ETC, NewTargetEndDate, Status, Comments, DateUpdated

The individual workbooks that I receive every week have these columns:
ActivityID, ActivityName, Description, ActualHours, ETC, NewTargetEndDate, Status, Comments

The FileNames are the names of the people sending me the files, which I store in a seperate worksheet.

I've stored the field names and columns in a table for the master and individual sheets but I haven't found a good way to loop through the ranges to match the ActivityID and copy the updated data into the master.

Has anyone been successful with something like this?
