View Full Version : Loop without Do Error

08-27-2008, 04:56 PM
I'm required to produce the basis file given the three excel files attached. output.xls should be the same file as basis.xls after running the program and I can't seem to do that. I'm not quite sure if my logic is right as well. I can't seem to split the S column in the incoming template properly so that I could add it in the output.xls as credit.

attached are the files needed to produce the output.xls. It should look like basis.xls

08-28-2008, 05:39 AM
Can you help us out with a more concise explination of the problem you need help with?

You titled this thread as "Loop Without Do Error", but you don't mention that anywhere in your post. Speaking of which: whenever this error occurs, it means you have the Loop command somewhere in your script, but VBA can't find a Do command that starts the loop.

given the three excel files attached
There are 4 files in this .zip file... and there are no instructions about which one to start with. You've got a lot of worksheets and a lot of data, and it's not easy to tell what you're asking us to look at. Also, I've gone through the modules for every worksheet and workbook, and there's no VBA anywhere in these workbooks... am I missing something?

Also, all of the data in these spreadsheets looks disturbingly real... Are you sure your company's okay with you posting all of that? I just don't want to see anyone get in trouble for accidentally sharing proprietary information when they're asking for help.

I really hope I'm not coming across harshly.