View Full Version : need a method to create a chart

09-05-2008, 06:43 AM

I have downloaded an option chain.

I have 4 columns:
col.A: the type of product (Call or Put)
col.B: Maturity (a date)
col.C: Strike (a dollar amount)
col.D: Open interest (an integer)

I would like to display a bar chart displaying the open interest for call and puts for given strikes on a specific month.

displayed: 2 bars: call and put
X-axis: Strike
Y-Axis: Open interest

I'd like to be able to select which month I can display using a dropdown menu

I know what i want as the end result but i dont know how to achieve that with the data i currently have...
I believe I need to group the open interest per product type (call/put), per strike and manage to display it for the month I want.

and best of all: I am trying to avoid pivot tables! (last file I used them it inflated to 15 mb...)

hope someone can help me with this.

have a good w.e!