View Full Version : Solved: How to get the path to special folder for MRU?

09-11-2008, 08:17 PM
I used foreign OS (not English). And I need to get the path to special folder "Recent" which located here:
C:\Documents and Settings\kokin\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\russian_name_folder\.
In English OS this folder be called as "Recent". And I used follow macro:
Sub getSpecFolder()
Dim myPath As String
myPath = Environ$("appdata") & "\" & "\Microsoft\Office\Recent\"
With Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen)
.Name = myPath
If .Display = -1 Then
MsgBox .Name
End If
End With
End Sub
However into foreign version OS (not English) is open parent folder instead of desired.
Question: How to get the path to special folder which has the most recent files into premises path? We can't know surely previosly how to name this folder in differents OS.
Thank you very much.

09-13-2008, 12:44 AM
I've just posted a reply about getting this from the registry using Word and now I see that you have a different problem with it.

Are you saying that your registry key says the file is called "Recent" and actually it's called something else (in Russian)?

What OS are you running, and what language version? And what language version of Office (2003) are you running?

09-13-2008, 03:44 AM
Thank you very much for your answer and help. I use Russian Windows XP and Office 2003 and 2007. The folder of recent files in Russian version called on other, not "Recent". But this method very good worked.