View Full Version : Date Storage

09-16-2008, 07:39 AM
Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing gud......Question to all of you little bit exercise to the intelligent guys who could help in solving my proble


Date storage in MS-access

Date filed in MS-access table storage is only upto 255 characters...

My project deals with Leave application, where i would require to store each date "Start Date " to "End Date" of Leave

As i had to include a feature where the user can cancel his any day of from the set of (Start Date & End Date)

For example: i applied from 25-sep-2008 to 30-sep-2008
so it is like if i want to cancel any day of leave in between

27-sep-2008 and i feel like i wud back to office would cancel the remaining days.

So it is in case of 4 days,

but if someone avails leaves for 1 month, then if he decides to canncel the leaves in mid then it s like storage of 1 month dates in adtabase

but Access database does not have so much capacity.

Is there any way to store year as in year seperately like wise month as month and date as date within the storage space

I hope made my query clear

09-16-2008, 07:49 AM
Date filed in MS-access table storage is only upto 255 characters...

Maybe this answer is an oversimplification of your question but: use more than a single field of the date data type.

YOu would need to use multiple fields anyway to perform aggregate functions on the dates.