View Full Version : Add macro button to worksheet - tricky

09-18-2008, 07:12 AM
Hi Experts

A tricky one. How would you add a macro button to the tool bars section of the workbook. So that when the and excel workbook is opened (with a pariticular name - the name cannot be changed at all by the user) the macro button is visible for the user to click and run the vba.

What i am trying to do is when the user click in MS Access a specific Report and runs it via the Analysis it with MS Excel, it populates a report in excel and the name of this rreport is ALWAYS "TurnaroundReport_by_PlanName" when the information filter through into MS Excel.......

how would you tackle this????

Bob Phillips
09-18-2008, 10:42 AM
In that workbook's activate event, make the toolbar button visbible. And make it not so in the deactrivate event.