View Full Version : Solved: Get MS Word OptionButton value from Excel VBA

09-25-2008, 07:52 AM
Hi all,

i'm desesperate ...:banghead:

I've create a MS Word document which contain an OptionButton, i want to retrieve the value (checked or unchecked) from an Excel macro.

The goal is to collect answers from many filled word documents, and put it into an Excel Spreadsheet.

Many thanks for your help

09-28-2008, 02:03 PM
Good Afternoon.

Have you worked with cross-application data like this at all, or are you starting this from scratch? And would you post a copy of the Document for me?

In general, you need to create an instance of Word from within your Document. Through code, open the Document you want to get the information from and then you can begin accessing the data.

To access the data, you can reference it using documentvariable.FormFields(FormFieldName).Result.

Hope this helps some.

09-29-2008, 08:19 AM
Hi Scott,

Many thanks for you comment, it's not formfield component, i will close this thread cause it has been answered on the Excel forum.

