View Full Version : Autosizing Word Tables to Fit Page

10-13-2008, 12:19 PM
I am using Shapes.AddOLEObject to insert Word tables into PowerPoint slides.

I set the font with ...table.Range.Font.Name='Arial'

I fill the cells with ...table.Cell(i,j).Range.Text='1,234'

In some cases, the number of columns in the table varies, and in most cases the width of the content of the cells varies.

My problem: I want to set the font size to be as large as possible while allowing the entire table to fit on the slide.

I know I can change the font size with something like


I figure to start with a large font and then iterate smaller until the table fits. But how can I tell if (say) 14 is small enough to make the table fit on the slide?

An example follows in my next post.

10-13-2008, 12:22 PM
Here's an example. I start with 12 points:

[ Please see attached pp.pdf for pictures. ]

But the Asset Class names are wrapped, and the values in the last row are supposed to be "-1.00".

So I reduce to font size to 11 and then to 10:


Almost there.

Note that each time I change the font size I seem to have to execute doc.Save and delay for a second in order force PP to update itself with changes to the Word table.

Font size 9.5 does the trick:


FYI, so far I have populated just enough cells to get the size right. Here is what the table looks like when I complete the slide:


Does anyone have a reliable technique for doing this?