View Full Version : [SOLVED:] User Form - Restrict Entry

10-20-2008, 07:11 AM

Could someone give me some pointers on how to :-

1) "grey" out a text entry box based on the input from another field,
2) Force a value into a text entry field based on the input from another field,
3) Limit the choices in a combo box based on the input from another field

I appreciate these are a bit vague and i don't have any code as i've no idea where to start.


10-24-2008, 05:01 AM
Does anyone have an suggestions for the above please?
Also how do I show or hide a text box/combo box/frame, based on the value of another box?


10-27-2008, 06:59 AM
I really would appreciate any helps with these queries.
I'm getting desperate for the show/hide textbox etc solution.

Various fields start as hidden when the form is initilised, but i need to show fields depending on what is choosen from a menu in a combo box.
Try as i might i can't unhide the field :-

Starts Hidden :

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
frmDSTCallLog.txtScheme.Visible = False
frmDSTCallLog.lblScheme.Visible = False

Unhide? :

Private Sub Show()
If Me.cboSubject.Value = "Agency Amendment" Then
frmDSTCallLog.lblScheme.Visible = True
frmDSTCallLog.cboScheme.Visible = True
End Sub

Any suggestions?


10-27-2008, 09:23 AM
If this code is behind the currently open UserForm, then try using:

Private Sub Show()
If Me.cboSubject.Value = "Agency Amendment" Then
Me.lblScheme.Visible = True
Me.cboScheme.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Use the Me keyword to refer to the currently open Form, instead of explicitly providing the form's name. That might clear up your issue.

10-27-2008, 12:43 PM
Your question is pretty generic.

1) The change routine for the "other field" could be written to control the
textbox's .Enabled property. For example

Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
With Me
.tbxSpouseName.Enabled = (.ListBox1.Value = "Married")
End With
End Sub
It could also control the .Visible property.

2)The "other field"'s Change event would be a place to do that.

Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
With Me
.tbxSpouseName.Enabled = (.ListBox1.Value = "Married")
If .ListBox1.Value = "Single" Then
.tbxEldestChildsName.Text = "<none>"
With .tbxEldestChildsName
.Text = IIf(.Text = "<none>", vbNullString, .Text)
End With
End If
End With
End Sub

3)Again the Change Event is where I would do that.

Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
With Me
.tbxSpouseName.Enabled = (.ListBox1.Value = "Married")
If .ListBox1.Value = "Single" Then
.tbxEldestChildsName.Text = "<none>"
With .tbxEldestChildsName
.Text = IIf(.Text = "<none>", vbNullString, .Text)
End With
End If
Dim memory As Long
If .ListBox1.Value = "Single" Or .ListBox1.Value = "Divorced" Then
With .cbxThanksgivingLocation
memory = .ListIndex
.AddItem "My house"
.AddItem "Mom's house"
.AddItem "Grandma's house"
If memory < 3 Then .ListIndex = memory
End With
With .cbxThanksgivingLocation
memory = .ListIndex
.List(0) = "Our house"
.AddItem "Spouse's Mom's house"
.AddItem "Spouse's Grandma's house"
.ListIndex = memory
End With
End If
End With
End Sub

10-28-2008, 05:57 AM
Thanks for the replys they have helped me solve the problem.