View Full Version : Numeric Overflow when using Make Table Query from Linked Excel Spreadsheet

10-27-2008, 03:10 PM
I have a spreadsheet that I link to in order to provide reports and analysis of data. I have a Make Table Query written... when I try to run it I get a "Numeric Overflow" error.

Now...if I open that same query in Design Mode, change it to a select query, run it, then switch back to Design Mode, change it to a Make Table query, run it, it works fine...

I've tried making a query adding each column by itself to attempt to figure out which column is causing the error... it errors out on every column...

I'm at a loss...:banghead:

10-28-2008, 05:20 AM
You need to take a close look at the data types for the columns in your Excel Spreadsheet and you have to make certain that you declare the right data type for your fields in the make table query- otherwise you'll continue to get this error.

10-28-2008, 12:30 PM
I have verified the data types several times...

What is really odd is the what I outlined in the second paragraph of my first post. Why does this act in this manner?

10-31-2008, 11:01 PM
Try these two options:

1. Compact & Repair your data base.
2. Instead of a maketable (select into) query --- try a append query. Move the data from the source table, into a blank destination table. Make sure all the data types are an exact match. Usually you get a numeric overflow when your trying to push a non numeric into a numeric field..