View Full Version : Solved: Sheets and Modules Problem Passing Values

10-29-2008, 08:49 AM
Hi there, i'm fairly new to vb and would very much appreciate some help.

The situation:

I have a number of buttons on several sheets within a Workbook. Each Button should link to a value, that can then be put into a module for a process to occur based on this value.

CommandButton1 stores XVal = 1
CommandButton2 stores XVal = 2
CommandButton1 - XVal = 1
etc etc.

I want this Xval to be a part of a calculation within a module setstatus

Private Sub CommandButton158_Click()
Xval = 158
Call SetStatus
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton143_Click()
Xval = 143
Call SetStatus
End Sub

Sub SetStatus()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("****")
status = Cells(Xval, 6)

If status = "" Then
status = "Not Loading"
End If

If status = "Not Loading" Then
Call NotLoadingToLoadingChange

ElseIf status = "Loading" Then
Call LoadingToLoadComplete

ElseIf status = "Load Completed" Then
Call LoadComplete
End If

ActiveSheet.Protect ("****")
End Sub

This works fine, but I would prefer to have the SetStatus Sub in a module. As it would be referred to from several sheets.

Any Help much appreciated


Bob Phillips
10-29-2008, 09:24 AM
Private Sub CommandButton158_Click()
Call SetStatus (158)
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton143_Click()
Call SetStatus (143)
End Sub

Sub SetStatus(XVal As Long)
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("****")
status = Cells(Xval, 6)

If status = "" Then
status = "Not Loading"
End If

If status = "Not Loading" Then
Call NotLoadingToLoadingChange

ElseIf status = "Loading" Then
Call LoadingToLoadComplete

ElseIf status = "Load Completed" Then
Call LoadComplete
End If

ActiveSheet.Protect ("****")
End Sub

10-29-2008, 09:30 AM