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View Full Version : VLookup with GETPIVOTTable

11-10-2008, 12:26 PM
I have a workbook where I have been keeping track of total number of Help Desk tickets - and the breakdown of each...

The front sheet, "ARS Ticket Productivity Matrix" Shows totals of each category.

Image is located here: http://www.screencast.com/users/Monk/folders/Jing/media/ea0fc75e-4295-4849-a586-c899ac44e658

Each additional sheet is of a month (one with the RAW data -hidden / and one with the Pivot Table).

I am trying to create a VLookup - that takes from Column A (A2:A74 on the front sheet) looks at that column - and checks for a match in the corresponding month (ie - "Oct 08") - Granted no all categories are going to be listed for each month - only those worked.

So if in Column "A" on front sheet there is an item - "PC Repair" - and in October that item wasn't worked - it won't be listed.

I hope I stated this correctly.

Do I need to use the GETPIVOTTable function or can I use the VLookup or do I have to use them together?

-- Monk:banghead:

Using this : =VLOOKUP(A2,'Oct 08'!A6:A38,'Oct 08'!I6:I38,FALSE)
Should I use GETPIVOTTable right after the page name or what?

Worked a bit further on this -
I was able to get it to work - sort of - here is an image of what I have now: http://www.screencast.com/users/Monk/folders/Jing/media/94522228-2ae2-4a18-9e6b-a7e3b2bb727b

Not sure why for some I get the name, for others I get an N/A and REF and then others I get a numerical value (which is what I am looking for) - and when the result is N/A - it appears to mess up the totals in my SUM in the YTD column (that I'm sure I can figure out - but still)

-- Monk

Bob Phillips
11-10-2008, 02:35 PM
Got a workbook we can see?

11-10-2008, 03:01 PM

I hope the file isn't too big.
I've only included an example of the Main Page and the month of October...

-- Monk