View Full Version : Solved: Updating image on form

11-22-2008, 12:21 AM
I have an image (Image1) on a form. On Image1_DoubleClick, I have the user select a file to upload to the image control. The problem is I don't know how to then set the selected file as the picture for the image. Here's what I have:

Private Sub Image1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim pic As Object
ChDrive (ThisWorkbook.Path)
ChDir (ThisWorkbook.Path)
r = Application.GetOpenFilename("Picture Files (*.bmp; *.cur; *.gif; *.ico;_
*.jpg; *.wmf),*.bmp; *.cur; *.gif; *.ico; *.jpg; *.wmf", , "Load Image")
If r = False Then Exit Sub
'Image1.Picture = r
'set pic = createobject("Excel.
End Sub

Setting the Picture property of Image1 to the selected filename (r) didn't work because r is a string. Setting pic = CreateObject(...) didn't work, because I barely know how to use that function. Just remember seeing it somewhere in this forum.... Any suggestions?

11-22-2008, 01:00 AM
Greetings Nate, and nice to "meet".

This should work. LoadPicture is not well described in help (leastwise as far as info I could find), but is the way to assign the picture.

As to the help topic for 'Picture Property', it only shows the pathname arg. Yet when entering in 2003, additional args: "widthDesired:= ,heightDesired:= ,flags:= " (As LoadPictureConstants) appear. Anyone know how these work?

Hope this helps,


Private Sub Image1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim pic As Object
ChDrive (ThisWorkbook.Path)
ChDir (ThisWorkbook.Path)

'//added as I use Option Explicit//
Dim r
'// Maybe you inserted the continuation just for the post, else, I thought //
'// to mention that this errors. It is missing what I indicate in purple //
' r = Application.GetOpenFilename("Picture Files (*.bmp; *.cur; *.gif; *.ico; _
*.jpg; *.wmf),*.bmp; *.cur; *.gif; *.ico; *.jpg; *.wmf", , "Load Image")

r = Application.GetOpenFilename("Picture Files (*.bmp; *.cur; *.gif; *.ico;" & _
" *.jpg; *.wmf), *.bmp; *.cur; *.gif; *.ico; *.jpg; *.wmf", , "Load Image")

If r = False Then Exit Sub

'Image1.Picture = r
'set pic = createobject("Excel.
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Filename:=r)
End Sub

11-22-2008, 09:16 AM
Thanks, Mark. It works like a charm. And, yes, it was 1 in the morning and I just tossed in the continuations without paying attention. Sorry about that.

11-22-2008, 02:25 PM
Thanks, Mark. It works like a charm. And, yes, it was 1 in the morning and I just tossed in the continuations without paying attention. Sorry about that.

Hey Nate,

Thanks for getting me chuckling :-) Its nice to know I'm not the only one who sometimes attends class in "delirium coding 101", as I certainly have oft done so... (I really like the next day when I get to look and wonder what it was supposed to be!)

Now I'm still just hoping someone will explain those "extra" args...

Have a great weekend,:thumb
