View Full Version : Powerpoint linked image update

12-02-2008, 07:34 AM
I'm wondering if there's already a ppt addin that lets you select an image and insert it as a saved image, but updates the image based on the original image file when it gets updated.

The reason I want this is that I have some images on my PC that get updated automatically, and I'd like to be able to insert them in PowerPoint linked to the original file, but also with a copy of the image embedded in the presentation so I can just email the ppt file off without worrying about losing the linked images.

Is there anything available that does this? I can think of how to write it myself, but I'd rather not have to build it if it already exists...


12-02-2008, 09:03 AM
No need for code, just select 'Link to file' when placing the graphic in the presentation.

Oops, didn't notice that you want to email just the file.

I believe you can break the link afterwards, so save a master copy, and then break the link to the file and email that file.