View Full Version : Using a subdatasheet to display on a form?

12-13-2008, 02:28 PM
Hey everyone.
I stuck in trying to get a subdatasheet to display on my form that will give the user the ability to assess personality traits for a person.
Here is what I'm attempting to set up. I have a table with a bunch of personality traits. These are a set list. Now in my Main table I have a unique person_id for everyone. So what I want to do is on my Main form, which shows unique people as the user uses the navigation buttons to go through the table, set up a subform that will show this set list of personality traits so the user can do an assessment. But I also want the user to be able to click the navigation buttons on the SUBFORM to go another set list of these personality traits to do another assessment if they desire. So muliple assessments can be done on the SAME person_id. How would I set something like this up??
I know when I'm in the table view/design, I can just insert subdatasheets into tables that will drop down a whole table (like personality_traits) for each record in a main table. But this doesn't establish a relationship in the relationships window that I can use to set things up in a form.
Please Help!! :clap:

12-14-2008, 04:21 AM
When you say "do an assessment", does that mean answering questions?
Ticking Boxes?
Just selecting one or more Items from a List?
Where will the results of this assessment be stored, in one field, many fields?

12-15-2008, 06:26 AM
You cannot insert a subdatasheeton a Form like you're thinking- you can't do it the same way you do for a Table. For a Form you utilize the subform control.

You insert a subdatasheet into a form by adding a subform control, and then defining a source object by setting the subform control's SourceObject property to a table, query, or form. When you view the form in Datasheet view, the subform appears as a subdatasheet. If the subform's source object is a form, its DefaultView property can be set to Datasheet, Single View, or Continuous Form. Therefore, in form Datasheet view, you can also see the subdatasheet displayed as a single or continuous form.