View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Excel Formula Language Translator

Erdin? E. Ka
12-27-2008, 04:12 AM
Hi all,:hi:

Sometimes we need to use or learn an Excel formula which is wrotten in an another language...

So, i prepare an add-in for this matter.

I am not good at English, so you can feel free to share your ideas to improve the add-in...

(I profit from MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL 2007 XLL SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT for make an index to match the results.)

Hope that helps for all excel lovers...

Bob Phillips
12-27-2008, 04:35 AM
I have taken a quick look Erdin?, and I think you should drop the Translate button, and the first block of text, and just show the translation on selection from the list.

You should also categorise the functrions and list them in alphabetical order.

Erdin? E. Ka
12-27-2008, 04:48 AM
I have taken a quick look Erdin?, and I think you should drop the Translate button, and the first block of text, and just show the translation on selection from the list.

You should also categorise the functrions and list them in alphabetical order.

Thanks Bob, i'll do your suggestions in next version.:friends:

BTW, i keep my promise about d?ner kebab... :hi:

Bob Phillips
12-27-2008, 11:56 AM
Hey Erdin?,

I didn't realise you had responded in the NGs, but I just looked it up and saw your response. I have been to Turkey a few times, but mainly in the south, Kas, Alanya; haven't been up north yet.

Erdin? E. Ka
12-27-2008, 01:59 PM
Hey Erdin?,

I didn't realise you had responded in the NGs, but I just looked it up and saw your response. I have been to Turkey a few times, but mainly in the south, Kas, Alanya; haven't been up north yet.

Kaş, Alanya, Belek, Kemer, Side, Dat?a, Marmaris, Fethiye, ?l?deniz ... and all other in south.. I love too there are cool places for me too...

Maybe, we can see each other one of there at a time in the future... Who knows ... :whistle:

Bob Phillips
12-27-2008, 02:08 PM
You could always come to our Excel Conference in London next April.

Erdin? E. Ka
12-27-2008, 02:48 PM
You could always come to our Excel Conference in London next April.

I saw and read that thread today.

Zack Baresse, Andy Pope and You are popular names for me and i wish to meet with all of you...

But the problem is the visa!. Probably it needs a schengen visa to go London from Turkey....

Lastweek, i break up to my visit event to stuttgart | germany for see my cousins.. Cause' the visa problem.. I was needed to pass at this week but, they gave me a visa later January 15th. So thats not good for me..

I think that i'll live the same problem if i wish go to London Event... :(

12-28-2008, 11:47 PM
If you get schengen visa then you are only supposed to travel to 7 countries in europe excluding the UK. If you get it from here (India) it is like that. I don't know about Turkey. I visit to Netherlands on Schengen visa twice a year.

Erdin? E. Ka
12-29-2008, 04:12 PM
hi mogambo,

Yes, we can visit Europe Union Countries with a single schengen visa but i am not sure about that includes India for us... Anyway,,,

I will analysis about thats...


Bob Phillips
12-29-2008, 04:30 PM

I think he is saying that with a Schengen visa you can vist many European countries, but NOT the UK. The UK and Ireland have not signed the Schengen Acquis. To come to England you need to ceck the WorldBridge site https://www.visainfoservices.com/Pages/Content.aspx?tag=Welcome_Page

12-29-2008, 11:56 PM
look at my proposal.

I apologize, that I say nothing, but my english is very (very very) weak. :(

Erdin? E. Ka
12-30-2008, 06:05 AM
look at my proposal.

I apologize, that I say nothing, but my english is very (very very) weak. :(

Hi Artik,

Thanks for your help and development :friends: :whistle:

I have a question to you:

Sub AC()
'Conditional compilation for behavior of correspondence with XL'97
#If VBA6 Then
UF_ErdincEKaracam.Show vbModeless
#End If
End Sub

In this code;

What is the benefit of "#" ?

Thanks a lot...:hi:

Erdin? E. Ka
12-30-2008, 06:07 AM

I think he is saying that with a Schengen visa you can vist many European countries, but NOT the UK. The UK and Ireland have not signed the Schengen Acquis. To come to England you need to ceck the WorldBridge site https://www.visainfoservices.com/Pages/Content.aspx?tag=Welcome_Page

Ok,Bob, i'll check this out. Thank you. :friends: :whistle:

Bob Phillips
12-30-2008, 06:43 AM
Hi Artik,

Thanks for your help and development :friends: :whistle:

I have a question to you:

Sub AC()
'Conditional compilation for behavior of correspondence with XL'97
#If VBA6 Then
UF_ErdincEKaracam.Show vbModeless
#End If
End Sub

In this code;

What is the benefit of "#" ?

Thanks a lot...:hi:

Conditional compiulation statements have to be preceded by # as a compiler directive. So, if the system uses VBA6, it shows the form modeless, else modal.

12-30-2008, 07:00 AM
In Xl'97 with UF_ErdincEKaracam.Show vbModeless You receive runtime error.

With this code:

#If VBA6 Then
UF_ErdincEKaracam.Show vbModeless
#End If
in compilation mode, compilator checks, if is VBA6 or VBA5 (XL'97 includes VBA5). Because is VBA5, line

UF_ErdincEKaracam.Show vbModelessis omitted.

Do you understand me? :rotlaugh:


Erdin? E. Ka
12-30-2008, 10:14 AM
Conditional compiulation statements have to be preceded by # as a compiler directive. So, if the system uses VBA6, it shows the form modeless, else modal.


In Xl'97 with UF_ErdincEKaracam.Show vbModeless You receive runtime error.
... in compilation mode, compilator checks, if is VBA6 or VBA5 (XL'97 includes VBA5). Because is VBA5, line UF_ErdincEKaracam.Show vbModelessis omitted.

Do you understand me? :rotlaugh:

Bob and Artik; thanks so much.

But actually i understood that conditional compulation code but i mean:

What is the difference between;

#If Z Then
MsgBox "X"
MsgBox "Y"
#End If

If Z Then
MsgBox "X"
MsgBox "Y"
End If

Bob Phillips
12-30-2008, 12:50 PM

Your answer suggests that you don't understand conditional compilation :-), as the difference is that the first is conditional compilations statements, the second is not. There is a condition being tested in the second, but it is not conditional compilation.

Conditional compilation is compiler directives, so that only the code within the affirmative condition is compiled, it is not a run time directive as a normal IF is.

12-30-2008, 12:58 PM
Sorrry Erdin?, it scants words me, in order to explain problem :(


Erdin? E. Ka
12-31-2008, 07:20 PM

Your answer suggests that you don't understand onditional compilation :-), as the difference is that the first is conditioanl compilations statements, the second is not. There is a condition being tested in the second, but it is not conditional compilation.

Conditional compilation is compiler directives, so that only the code within the affrimative condition is compiled, it is not a run time directive as a normal IF is.[/quote

Ok, Bob. :hi: Thans for all...


[quote=Artik]Sorrry Erdin?, it scants words me, in order to explain problem :(

Hey Artik, :hi:

Please don't worry about that. You are so good person.:friends:

Happy new years to all members of VBAX & all over the world...


Hope to live on this world in peace & harmony, no war, no racism...: pray2: Won't find all of us the last breathe once upon a time?