View Full Version : Drop TempTable whener sub puits running

01-06-2009, 05:45 PM
I create a temptable to hold data for a report, then drop it after report is generated. It work fine. What I need now is to drop the temptable whener the Sub stopping running regardless, e.g got error or in middle of debugging. Can DoCmd do that?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

01-07-2009, 06:16 AM
Personally, I use DDL to handle table actions. An example would be:
DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE TableName"
The above example will delete the named table. Just replace TableName with the table's actual name.

What I need now is to drop the temptable whener the Sub stopping running regardless, e.g got error or in middle of debugging.
You need to setup some error trapping to handle this. Example:
Sub SubName()
'variable declarations
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'code you want to run
DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE TableName"
Exit Sub

DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE TableName"
End Sub


01-07-2009, 08:19 AM
You need to setup some error trapping to handle this. Example:
Sub SubName()
'variable declarations
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'code you want to run
DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE TableName"
Exit Sub

DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE TableName"
End Sub


Randy, Thanks for your help.

What if during the debug, I want to quit the program by click on stop (reset) buttom after the temptable is created? How do I set up error trapping on that?

01-07-2009, 08:38 AM
What if during the debug, I want to quit the program by click on stop (reset) buttom after the temptable is created? How do I set up error trapping on that?
You can't. You'll need to delete the table by hand, or have a sub in a module that you can run to delete the table for you.

Errors only respond to program errors. Manually stopping your code when debugging is not an error.