View Full Version : How to stop a record being added

01-15-2009, 11:24 AM
I have been given a database to do and it stores information on computer hardware, on my hardware details for i have got several different input boxes, but i have to include a serial number for the hardware. the serial number has to 6 characters long and CAN ONLY BE two letters followed by 4 numbers. i have got the code to check if this is correct and it is loaded into the After Update section on the form. My problem is that even if the serial number doesn't follow the two letters for numbers it still adds the record.

This is the code i have

Dim serialno As String
serialno = UCase(Serial_Number.Value)

If Len(serialno) = 6 Then
For a = 1 To 6
charater = Asc(Mid(serialno, a, 1))
'MsgBox Chr(charater) & " " & charater

If a = 1 Or a = 2 Then

If (charater >= 48 And charater <= 57) Then GoTo err


If (charater >= 65 And charater <= 90) Then GoTo err

End If
MsgBox "It Appears You Have Entered An Incorrect Serial Number" & vbNewLine & "The Serial Number Should Read; As 2 Letters 4 Numbers E.g. AA1234"
Cancel = 1
End If

please could you give me some tips into why it isn't working

01-15-2009, 12:05 PM
i have got the code to check if this is correct and it is loaded into the After Update section on the form.

The cause of your problem is that you are using the AfterUpdate event. This event fires after the record has been updated. You need to run this on the BeforeUpdate event, that way it evaluates the input before it is written to the record.

01-15-2009, 12:14 PM
cheeers matey all works now :)