View Full Version : Solved: Do I need SUMIF for this problem?

01-23-2009, 11:55 AM
=SUMIF('Suppliers Credits Journal '!$I$25)+'Other Purchases'!$P$24-
SUM('Cash Book'!$H$109)-SUM('Petty Cash Account'!$H$51)+
('Supplier Invoices Journal'!$G108)+('Other Purchases'!$H24)-
SUM('Cash Book'!P109)-SUM('Petty Cash Account'!N51)),?>0?)

I have the above function in e.g. A1 and the same function in B1 except ?<0?

So what I?m trying to do is show a positive in A1 or a negative in B1 whichever
is applicable to the result.. I am getting an error message about parenthesis but
can?t see where I?m going wrong.

Am I using a sledgehammer to crack an egg ?

Bob Phillips
01-23-2009, 12:37 PM
There is a saying ... why keep a dog and bark yourself. Similarly, why use the SUM function, and do the adding yourself.

You formula has lost me, but looking at it I think you want something like

=IF('Suppliers Credits Journal '!$I$25+'Other Purchases'!$P$24-'Cash Book'!$H$109-'Petty Cash Account'!$H$51
+'Supplier Invoices Journal'!$G108+'Other Purchases'!$H24-'Cash Book'!P109-'Petty Cash Account'!N51>0,
"do something","do something else")

01-23-2009, 12:48 PM
Can you upload a sample worksheet with confidential info removed? If not, can you provide us a very basic data layout example?

I'm not following what you are trying to do, can you provide greater clarification?

01-24-2009, 09:14 AM
Thanks both have attached basic data sample

Bob Phillips
01-24-2009, 10:23 AM
Makes no sense to me at all. The functions in E40, F40 are different so how is it supposed to work. As to the jiggery pokery, you don't explain why or what.

01-30-2009, 07:57 AM
Couldn't get access to site since 24th Jan so assume there's been a problem ?

It makes no sense to me either XLD which is why I'm asking for help!

The function in E40 refers to credit notes and F40 refers to invoices. I only want to show the difference between both in either E40 or F40.

So if for eg. E40 result is ?1000 and F40 result is ?500 I only want to show ?500 in E40

That was the reason behind the jiggery pokery, which was the only way I knew to transfer the cash book balance i.e. if a debit balance E7 or a credit balance F7 rather than a debit and credit balance showing together.

01-30-2009, 01:26 PM
Something like this would work in E36
=IF(SUM('Supplier Invoices Journal'!$E$108)>SUM('Suppliers Credits Journal '!$G25),SUM('Supplier Invoices Journal'!$E$108)-SUM('Suppliers Credits Journal '!$G25),"")
and in F36 you would just reverse the order of the sum formulas.
Very similar formulas could be used in the cells in row 40.