View Full Version : Solved: Query Help

02-03-2009, 09:49 AM
Private Sub cmdCreate_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim strsql As String
Dim SearchWord As String
Dim qreydef As QueryDef

On Error GoTo delquery
'DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, "QrySearchKeyWord"
SearchWord = [Form_Key Word Search]!TxtRoadway.Value

Set db = CurrentDb()
strsql = "SELECT Mitigation_Database.DRICODE, Mitigation_Database.MITIGATION, Mitigation_Database.STATUS, Mitigation_Database.DATE_, DRI_Name_Status_Database.DRINAME, DRI_Name_Status_Database.DRICODE " _
& "FROM Mitigation_Database, DRI_Name_Status_Database " _
& "WHERE Mitigation_Database.MITIGATION Like '" & SearchWord & "*' And DRI_Name_Status_Database!DRICODE=Mitigation_Database!DRICODE;"

Set qreydef = db.CreateQueryDef("QrySearchKeyWord", strsql)
MsgBox "Query Created"

DoCmd.OpenReport "Rdwy Specific Information", acViewPreview

If Err = 3021 Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, "QrySearchKeyWord"
GoTo line1:
MsgBox Err.Description

End If
End Sub

here is my code to create a report from a table.

What I want is only those records that contain the word/text typed by the user in the text box.
for some reason this code does not give any error but it returns no records. dont know why. I guess I am right with the qoutations after the like syntax... anyways removing the single qoutes doesnt works it gives me a syntax missing error.
Any clue??

02-03-2009, 09:58 AM
Are records returned if you run the query by itself? Paste your SQL into SQL view of a new query- be sure to replace SearchWord with a real value to test.

If it doesn't return records, then it's an issue with your SQL. If it does, then we'll take another look at it.

02-03-2009, 10:05 AM
Thank You for your prompt response
No for some reason it dosent... I even created a simple query using Query by example.. still it results nothing.

02-03-2009, 10:59 AM
Never Mind I got it figured out
Thanks randy

02-03-2009, 11:01 AM
Well, that means either the results you are looking for don't exist in your table, or it means there is a flaw in your SQL logic.

Try breaking your query into smaller pieces. Get each piece working correctly, then combine them together; you might spot the error that way.

NinjaEdithttp://img293.imageshack.us/img293/9060/ninja3od8.gif:Okay, glad you got it working.