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View Full Version : Copy/transfer data from one sheet to another

02-05-2009, 12:39 AM

Is it possible to instant copy data from B8:B12,B18:B22 etc (from logsheet sheet)from one sheet to another sheet in cells B4:F4,B5:F5 etc (to data sheet)in a way that no double data is placed on the second sheet but with a formula (so no macro). Also the amount of sheets expand because new sheets are made. I will add a draft version of what i try to make so u have an idea ...
Everytime you press 'nieuw logsheet' button, the workbook will be expanded by one logsheet.
The data needs to be transferred automatically with a formula from logsheet to data and there needs to be a certain check that no double coil numbers is placed on the data sheet.
The logsheets must remain untouched, not made hidden or been removed after copying the data to the data sheet.
Last thing: the data on the datasheet have the purpose to be imported into other excel sheets so there must actually be placed data into the cells ><
Is this possible? I know its a big questions but i hope one of you genius have a brilliant idea because im out of ideas ><

Thx in advance!


02-09-2009, 02:48 AM
Erghmm i dont want to look impatient and i hope some1 has thought about it but maybe something isnt clear? Let me know what else i can do please if there are any questions :D


Bob Phillips
02-09-2009, 02:58 AM
Why no macro, you already have code in the workbook.

02-09-2009, 03:14 AM
Why no macro, you already have code in the workbook.
A macro would work for all existing worksheets but i dont think it would work for a sheet that doesnt exist yet? ("nieuw logsheet" will make a copy from an empty sheet that can be filled in again, so basically a new sheet that doesnt exist yet.)

Bob Phillips
02-09-2009, 03:26 AM
It is far more likely to work than formulae. How would the formulae get on that new sheet?

02-09-2009, 03:38 AM
It is far more likely to work than formulae. How would the formulae get on that new sheet?
there is a veryhidden sheet (logsheet) in there. On that sheet i want to place the formulae so when a new logsheet is created it already has the formulae.
Im just an amateur tho lol so if u say a a macro is the perfect tool for this function i want to give that a try :D

So far in the datasheet i have this formula in each different cell:
each cell refers to the cell that contains the data i want in that data sheet.
However only the coilname (1st cell) gets updated while the rest doesnt get refreshed.
And i dont think i can import data from the data sheet into a new workbook now ><