View Full Version : word to Excel

02-25-2009, 06:14 AM
hi all
Thanks for the help you are doing I have tried a lot but my problem is not solved please help me
I have a document which has some lines and i want all the content of the word document to be pasted in different cells in an Excel
I used paragraph object to iterate through all the lines but i am unable to add it to different excel cells all the content is either coming into one cell or it is not at all working
my document is similar to this

These lines should be pasted in one column and different cells of a new excel document and the excel document should be dynamically created
Please help me It is very important for me.

02-25-2009, 10:39 AM
It would likely be easier to get the paragraph data from Word and place it into XL ie. use XL VBA. Is this an option or must this be Word VBA? Dave

02-25-2009, 03:40 PM
hi Dave

I have requirement of doing it through word VBA

02-25-2009, 11:39 PM
Hi sampath,

What code have you so far? It's hard to help without seeing it.

You also need to provide more information:
Are you having difficulty automating Excel from Word?
Are you collating information in Excel from multiple Word documents?
Does each line in the Word file need to go into the same row in separate columns, or into the same column in separate rows ("one column and different cells" suggests the latter)?