View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Finding all ranges EXCEPT those with color fill

Anne Troy
03-29-2005, 10:02 AM
I have a workbook that contains multiple ranges that are filled with color.

I need to develop the code that will delete ALL OTHER cell contents.

BUT, the worksheet the code will work on will NOT have the fills.

So, what I want to do is find a way to "report" to me all those ranges that are not filled so I can make the code use those ranges to delete the cell contents.

Anybody have any direction for me?

Zack Barresse
03-29-2005, 10:11 AM
What do you mean 'all ranges'?? There are a lot of cells in one worksheet.

Also, do you not know the fill color?

Anne Troy
03-29-2005, 10:16 AM
Sure, but I only want to select the cells that DON'T have any fill.

Zack Barresse
03-29-2005, 10:27 AM
Okay, but that's a lot of cells. Do you not want to trim it down first? All the way to row 65,536??

Anne Troy
03-29-2005, 10:42 AM
LOL. Nevermind. I've got it. I recorded a macro selecting all those ranges.

However, if you want to finish up this question, my "inside range" is A1:V1055

So this could be a KB: Select All Cells with Fill Color :)

Or you can just delete the whole dern thread.

Zack Barresse
03-29-2005, 01:03 PM
Well, basically you could use this ...

Option Explicit

Sub SelectNONcoloredCells()
Dim cel As Range, rng As Range, tmpC As Range
Set rng = Range("A1:V1055")
For Each cel In rng
If cel.Interior.ColorIndex = -4142 Then
If tmpC Is Nothing Then
Set tmpC = cel
Set tmpC = Union(cel, tmpC)
End If
End If
Next cel
If Not tmpC Is Nothing Then
'other code here
End If
End Sub

Anne Troy
03-29-2005, 01:06 PM