View Full Version : [SLEEPER:] VBA Code for clicking a link?

03-15-2009, 07:12 PM
Guys I am having some trouble.

I am looking at web page source below:

<TR><TD><A HREF="javascript:Needed('BorrInfo')"><IMG SRC="../images/ToDoNeeded.gif" WIDTH="10" HEIGHT="10" ALIGN="BOTTOM" border=0></A> <A HREF="javascript:GoTo('BorrInfo')"><font color=BLACK>Borrower Information</FONT></A></TD></TR>

There is no ID and no Name...so how can I reference it in order for it to be clicked? What code would I use here?

I can get it to work easily on Google.com using the code below, but being that the above page source code is javascript what would be different?:

Sub ClickLink()
' ClickLink Macro
' Macro recorded 3/15/2009 by Game
Dim htmlDoc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim htmlInput As MSHTML.HTMLInputElement
Dim htmlColl As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Set objIE = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
With objIE
.Navigate "https://www.google.com"
.Visible = 1
Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do While .ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
Set htmlDoc = .Document
Set htmlColl = htmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("A")
For Each htmlInput In htmlColl
If htmlInput.innerText = "Images" Then
Exit For
End If
'Debug.Print "Frame " & x & ": " & htmlInput.innerText
Next htmlInput
End With
End Sub

Kenneth Hobs
03-16-2009, 05:35 AM
It may not be possible to do. Have you tried iterating through the ALL collection?

Maybe submitting the form would help. e.g.

Sub Yahoo()
'This project includes references to "Microsoft Internet Controls", shdocvw.dll and
'"Microsoft HTML Object Library", mshtml.tlb
'Variable declarations
Dim myIE As New InternetExplorer 'New '
Dim myURL As String
Dim myDoc As HTMLDocument
Dim strSearch As String, str As String
Dim itArray() As String
'Set starting URL and search string
myURL = "http://finance.yahoo.com/lookup?s=TOT"
strSearch = "TOT"
'Make IE navigate to the URL and make browser visible
myIE.navigate myURL
myIE.Visible = False
'Wait for the page to load
Do While myIE.Busy Or myIE.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
'Set IE document into object
Set myDoc = myIE.document
'Enter search string on form
'myDoc.forms(0).UserName.Value = strSearch
'Submit form
'Wait for the page to load
Do While myIE.Busy Or myIE.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
str = myDoc.getElementById("yfi_key_stats").innerText
itArray() = Split(str, vbCrLf)
[a1] = "Dividend Date:"
[B1] = Right(itArray(3), 9)
Set myIE = Nothing
Set myDoc = Nothing
End Sub

03-16-2009, 06:10 AM
I actually have it pulling this "javascript:GoTo('BorrInfo')" into a variable..

I just don't know how to execute it.

htmlInput.Javascript = Execute?

I have no idea how to execute it.