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View Full Version : Help VBA - Importing Data

03-18-2009, 11:28 AM

I am new to VBA and I need some help.

I am trying to create an excel (2003) file, which enables me to import data using a macro and updates my file on a monthly basis.

I have attached 2 files as an example of what I am trying to achieve and the first excel file ( vba- example 1.xls ) contain the VBA code I have already done, and the second contains an example report.

I will try and explain what I am trying to do though.

Every month we have a report of the list of stock and the quantity they have been used. I need a macro which will loop though the report ( VBA-Example1 - Import.xls) and search for the item name from excel file 1 ( VBA- example 1.xls) with the 2nd one (VBA-Example1 - Import.xls) and then move the data from excel file 2 (VBA-Example1 - Import.xls) to the correct cell in the first excel file (vba- example 1.xls )

Code I have so far on VBA- example 1.xls

Dim FName As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim test As String

aMonth = (Month(Date))

MsgBox ("Please make sure the file is for month " & aMonth)

FName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls", , _
"Select Excel Data File")
If FName = False Then Exit Sub
Open FName For Input As #1

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open (FName)

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Any help on how to achieve this will be greatly appreciated

Thank you


03-18-2009, 01:18 PM
Private Sub Update_Click()

'Dim FName As Variant
'Dim i As Integer
'Dim test As String

'aMonth = (Month(Date))

'MsgBox ("Please make sure the file is for month " & aMonth)

FName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls", , _
"Select Excel Data File")
If FName = False Then Exit Sub
' Open FName For Input As #1

' Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Workbooks.Open (FName)

' Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Set wkb = ThisWorkbook

'MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A4").Value

'PRODUCTFIND = Sheets(1).Range("A4").Value

'Set wkbExternal = Workbooks.Open("H:\9992\VBA-Example1 - Import.xls")
Set wkbExternal = Workbooks.Open(FName)
Set wksExternal = wkbExternal.Sheets(1) 'wkbExternal.Sheets("DATA")

x = Sheets(1).Range("A4").Value
Do While ActiveCell <> ""
x = ActiveCell.Value
xaddress = ActiveCell.Address
MsgBox x

PRODUCTFIND = wkb.Sheets(1).Range(xaddress).Value

Set foundCellTyp = wksExternal.Cells.Find(What:=PRODUCTFIND, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) '.Offset(0, 2).Value

If Not foundCellTyp Is Nothing Then
wkb.Sheets(1).Range(xaddress).Offset(0, 5).Value = foundCellTyp.Offset(0, 2).Value
MsgBox foundCellTyp.Offset(0, 2).Value
MsgBox "this product was not found"
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate

End Sub

This is just midle of the road, wish You Good Luck,

Pavel Humenuk

03-18-2009, 01:21 PM
Private Sub Update_Click()

'Dim FName As Variant
'Dim i As Integer
'Dim test As String

'aMonth = (Month(Date))

'MsgBox ("Please make sure the file is for month " & aMonth)

FName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls", , _
"Select Excel Data File")
If FName = False Then Exit Sub
' Open FName For Input As #1

' Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Workbooks.Open (FName)

' Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Set wkb = ThisWorkbook

'MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A4").Value

'PRODUCTFIND = Sheets(1).Range("A4").Value

'Set wkbExternal = Workbooks.Open("H:\9992\VBA-Example1 - Import.xls")
Set wkbExternal = Workbooks.Open(FName)
Set wksExternal = wkbExternal.Sheets(1) 'wkbExternal.Sheets("DATA")

x = Sheets(1).Range("A4").Value
Do While ActiveCell <> ""
x = ActiveCell.Value
xaddress = ActiveCell.Address
MsgBox x

PRODUCTFIND = wkb.Sheets(1).Range(xaddress).Value

Set foundCellTyp = wksExternal.Cells.Find(What:=PRODUCTFIND, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) '.Offset(0, 2).Value

If Not foundCellTyp Is Nothing Then
wkb.Sheets(1).Range(xaddress).Offset(0, 5).Value = foundCellTyp.Offset(0, 2).Value
MsgBox foundCellTyp.Offset(0, 2).Value
MsgBox "this product was not found"
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate

End Sub

This is just midle of the road, good night,

Pavel Humenuk