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View Full Version : Delete rows except user defined criteria

03-23-2009, 03:30 PM
Hi All,

I’m in desperate need of some excel help :help …

I have spreadsheet with a bunch of data. I want to run a macro that will prompt the user for name of a month (ex. March). With that input it will look in column D and delete all other months except March. Now that’s just the easy bit….I also want to run it on another spreadsheet where I can specify which months to delete (not all, just some).

The coding for this is beyond me…..

If anyone can give me some help on this, it will be GREATLY appreciated =)


03-23-2009, 10:00 PM
Greetings Mimocat and Welcome to the forum:)

Your question seems clear enough, but just so we don't take off wrong, could you post a workbook w/what you have so far? Fake some sample data if there's any company/private info, and please include any limiters (like: I only want to delete the row from column xx to column xx) if there are any limiters.


03-24-2009, 07:11 AM
hi GTO!

I have attached an example to my original post.