View Full Version : 2nd criteria filter-search in lisform

03-26-2009, 09:24 AM
Hello forum

i have this macro, and i want to add a second criteria for filter and search
Her is the file with examples.
it works nice for one criteria , but when i chose to use the second criteria it doesn't work on the filter area.
Little help, Thanks

03-26-2009, 01:53 PM
worked here just fine on both champs..

03-26-2009, 03:36 PM
It seems to work as coded but it doesn't filter on whole values. esd will return esd & esdI.
A couple of suggestions
Use AfterUpdate instead of Change events, unless you really need them
For filling compbos try

Private Sub CBO_Fill()
Dim oRng As Range
'Remplit la Combo
With Feuil1
Set oRng = Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft))
ComboBox1.List = Application.Transpose(oRng)
ComboBox2.List = Application.Transpose(oRng)
End With
ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
ComboBox2.ListIndex = 0
End Sub

03-30-2009, 02:52 AM
Yes is working faster, the think is that , for the first filter is ok, but the second has to work on the result of first one , and so on for the 3rd.