View Full Version : VBA Change Line Width in code

04-02-2009, 11:20 AM

I am trying to change the width of a line from the code. The line is generated from the code :

Me.Line (0 * 1440, 0)-(0 * 1440, 14400)
Me.Line (0.7083 * 1440, 0)-(0.7083 * 1440, 14400)
Me.Line (1.2917 * 1440, 0)-(1.2917 * 1440, 14400)

Thank you in advance

04-02-2009, 12:25 PM
Welcome to the forum- it's always good to see a new member.

Line width of what? There are so many possibilities of what that could mean that I'm not even going to hazard a guess without a little more detail.