View Full Version : Solved: error: timeout expired

04-06-2009, 06:40 AM

I have an access application whose tables linked to SQL Server 2005. Last month also, it worked well. but this month, I have an problem while executing one query. it is showing the below error_

ODBC --call failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired (#0)

I just some analysis and found that there is a problem with the table which has 3000 records. This error is coming when we try to filter the column InvYear =2009. It is working fine for the filter InvYear=2008 and all others. It is only giving the problem for 2009. Why it is giving the above error only for that condition. Last month also this query worked well. Is there any thing I need to check for the data. Any wrong data like NULLs or empty spaces causes this problem?

I am attaching screen shot of the table and error to get an Idea to you.

04-07-2009, 05:57 AM
Please hlep me out for this issue. It's urgent and I could n't find the problem till now.

04-13-2009, 05:19 AM
Can you get a similar query to work within SQL Server itself without issue? Have you looked at the rrecords in SQL Server to ensure there aren't any bad records?

04-17-2009, 02:48 AM
Can you get a similar query to work within SQL Server itself without issue? Have you looked at the rrecords in SQL Server to ensure there aren't any bad records?

Thanks Cregan for your reply.
I figured out the problem and fixed it.
I executed the same query in SQL Server and it is taking 75 seconds to execute. That means ODBC time out is triggered after 60 seconds in Access applications. I changed ODBC time out from 60 secs to 120 secs in the properties of query in MSAccess application. Now every the report is coming fine.