View Full Version : Solved: Assign Record to Radio Label

04-21-2009, 09:10 PM
I have a need to attach the records in a table to radio buttons on a form. I have the following tables and fields. This will be a questionnaire type database.

QuestionID (Primary Key)

Answer (Yes / No)

I would like the questions in Table1 to populate the labels of the radio button on a form. The customers radio button selection will update table2 with the corresponding QuestionID.

Does anyone know how this would be done using vba? Your help is greatly appreciated. :think:

04-22-2009, 07:20 AM
The first step you need to take is to create a query that joins your two tables together, and use that query as the record source for your Form.

Regarding Radio Buttons: Create an unbound radio button on your form and go to its properties sheet. On the Data tab, select Control Source and select the Yes/No field that you want that radio button to be bound to.
