View Full Version : Inverting Drawing or Text

05-25-2009, 08:30 PM
A stage plot is a schematic of where a band's instuments go on a stage.
Attached is a typical stage plot. It has text, many drawing objects and a table.
It is oriented to be viewed from backstage.

I would like the drawings to be grouped and rotated 180. (To orient the sheet as seen from the sound booth in the back of the hall.)

However, when I group the drawing objects (including text boxes), the rotate options are greyed out.

Does anyone have any code that will take all the drawing objects on a page and rotate them as a unit 180? Or instructions on how to do it from the keyboard?

Thank you

Mac OS-10.5 Office2004

05-31-2009, 07:36 PM
After considerable thought and several attempts to write an "auto-size text box" routine, I've decided to use Excel's drawing objects rather than Word's.

The turning will have to be done Shape by Shape, but it looks doable in Excel. (I can't seem to find how to control vertical alignment of text within Word textboxes.)