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View Full Version : settling outlook as my primary email

04-07-2005, 01:24 PM
Can you help me i want to setup my microsoft outlook instead of using outlook express can u please help me set this up. I am using microsoft office 2002.

Please help

Zack Barresse
04-07-2005, 02:03 PM
Hi there, welcome to VBAX!! :006:

If you are using Windows XP, follow these steps:

Right click your START toolbar button (lower left of your screen).
Select Properties.
With Start Menu option selected, click Customize..
At the bottom will be an Email checkbox.
Ensure this box is checked and Outlook is chosen in the drop down.

That should be it. :yes

04-11-2005, 05:53 PM
If you're looking to set Outlook as your default mail reader, you should also go into your Outlook program and ensure that it is set to check to ensure it is the default mail program. In Outlook 2002, for instance, you can do that by clicking on 'Tools', 'Options', 'Other' then check the box with 'Make Outlook the default program for E-Mail, Contacts, and Calendar.