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View Full Version : Point to pixel conversion

06-18-2009, 01:36 PM
I'm using VBA 6.5 in Excel V11.8307 and am wondering if there are any functions/methods that can be invoked to do a point to pixel conversion (or vice versa) when a point is selected on a sheet chart. I want to be able to draw a horizontal line through a user selected point and then after all desired lines have been added (and perhaps moved and/or deleted), retrieve the x,y coordinates of those points in the data coordinate system. Are these methods/functions available only in newer versions of Excel?

Paul Hudgens

06-18-2009, 01:39 PM
I should add that the point selected would only be on a plotted series, and the ultimate list of points that I'm after is where the horizontal lines intersect the plot.

Paul H.