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View Full Version : Copy dat to another sheet Macro

06-18-2009, 05:11 PM
Hey yall, I am new here. i really need help and any would be appreciated. I generate a report and it opens up as book1 and it got a few sheets. I only want one sheet, and certain columns in that one sheet to copy to another sheet. So i created a macro to prompt which file to use to format and copy, which is book1 or it can be book2 if there's already a file open. So i click it and i type in book1 and it basically deletes sheets I dont need and then deletes the columns I dont want. There are over 200 columns and column header names change around so instead of deleting columns, how do I copy and paste columns I want base on column name isntead of column a b or c into a new sheet? Cna someone help me please?

06-18-2009, 11:11 PM
For staters can you please post your macro?
