View Full Version : Automatic Ordering on enteringdata in a table?

07-06-2009, 07:33 PM
The title says it All. Years ago I wrote an ACCESS program that auromatically Ordered the data I entered. I don't know how it did it, and now I want to do it!
I would enter data and couldn't find it until I realized that it was being ordered. I.e, the last data I entered didn't show up as the last record, but someplace else, alphabetically ordered!
..Part of my ongoing battle with ACCESS!
I could run a query, "INSERTING" into a different table, but I'm stubborn!

07-07-2009, 04:56 AM
Do you mean Alphabetically, Numerically or by Date Order the data in the Table?
Or on the Form that you viewing?
If the Form is based on a Query you set the sort order there and then requery the form on the entry of the data.

07-07-2009, 05:02 AM
A simple way to do this is open your table, select the field you want to Order on, and then click either the Ascending or Descending button. Then you can save the change to the table. As long as you don't overwrite this change, data in the table will appear in this order when you open it.

If this issue deals with your queries, you will need to explicitly set an Order BY statement in your SQL for each query. If you don't, then the order could change without notice.