View Full Version : Solved: Locking down a database based upon time out or specific time

07-07-2009, 06:52 AM
Good morning all,

One of my daily tasks is to update a database every morning so people can work on it throughout the day. Misc. data files need to be entered.

I'm looking for a way to password protect a database before 8:30 AM, specifically, where the password is only required up until this point. I've looked around online but haven't seen similar questions/responses.

Is this doable? Does anyone have something working that is close to what i'm searching for?

07-07-2009, 07:42 AM
Eric, Yes you can, all you need to do is create a desktop shortcut to the database and in the Shortcut properties open it Exclusively.
See the help topic
Set command-line options for starting Access.