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View Full Version : Solved: SQL Server 2005 Connection Problem

07-21-2009, 07:14 PM
We have 10+ servers at our data center all running SQL Server 2005. I can connect to all of them from MS SQL Server Management Studio. When I try to connect to 5 of the servers via ADO.NET (using C# and the SqlConnection object) if fails to connect and returns "Login failed for user 'mavyak'". I have the same credentials for all the servers. I am specifying the database on the server I am connecting to in the connection string so I'm not defaultly connecting to "master". I am also using the IP address in the connection string and not the server name.

Why would I be able to connect to a server via Management Studio but not via ADO.NET using the exact same credentials?


07-22-2009, 12:04 PM
A case sensitive password burned me. Thank you to all that looked at this and I'm sorry I wasted your time.