View Full Version : Sleeper: Excel UDF Error - Connecting to SPSS

08-05-2009, 09:33 PM

I have some excel UDFs which connect to SPSS, using the "SPSS Inc OEM Connect and ConnectXE for ODBC 5.3" driver.

The UDFs pull the data from the SPSS file, and display it in excel. Now for some reason I keep getting this error, it usually happens on large data sets.


Has anyone encountered this, while working on UDFs -- specially if connecting to other data source.

The connection string has been set up like this:

drvr_fr_rgn = "{SPSS Inc 32-BIT Data Driver (*.sav)}" '(updated--latest)
'drvr_fr_rgn = "{SPSS 32-BIT Data Driver (*.sav)}" '(legacy)
GetConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;" _
& "Extended Properties=""DRIVER=" & drvr_fr_rgn & ";DBQ=" _
& sPath & ";SERVER=NotTheServer"""

thanks a lot for the help..!

08-10-2009, 02:29 PM
Are you sure its an Excel issue or could it be a Visual C++ issue?