View Full Version : Adding a standard value to a Bound Textbox

08-06-2009, 03:45 AM
Morning All,

I am trying to add "7.12" to a bound textbox on a form, I can add the value using the following code using a checkbox:

If Me.Check34 = True Then
Me.Monday_Holiday = "1"
Forms![frm_timesheet_1]![Frm_Timesheet_Capture_1]![Total_Weekly1].Form![Text78] = "7.12"

I need to amend the code to add "7.12" to the existing total of the textbox, instead of just being "7.12" all the time.

Any ideas?


08-06-2009, 04:12 AM
Forms![frm_timesheet_1]![Frm_Timesheet_Capture_1]![Total_Weekly1].Form![Text78] = Forms![frm_timesheet_1]![Frm_Timesheet_Capture_1]![Total_Weekly1].Form![Text78] + 7.12