View Full Version : Solved: Hide all Controls on Access Form

08-14-2009, 12:47 AM
Hi all

I have the found the following code that should hide all controls on a form but it doesn't seem to be working can anyone please help on this.

Modules -
Function EnableDisableControls(strForm As String, intSection As Integer, fEnable As Boolean) As Boolean
' Comments : Enables or disables all controls in the specified section of the specified form
' Parameters: strForm - name of a currently open form
' intSection - number of the section to enable/disable controls in
' fEnable - True to enable controls, False to disable
' Returns : True if successful, False otherwise
Dim frmIn As Form
Dim ctlTmp As Control

On Error GoTo err_EnableDisableControls

Set frmIn = Forms(strForm)

For Each ctlTmp In frmIn.Controls

If ctlTmp.Section = intSection Then

On Error Resume Next
ctlTmp.Enabled = fEnable
On Error GoTo err_EnableDisableControls

End If

Next ctlTmp

EnableDisableControls = True

Exit Function

EnableDisableControls = False
Resume exit_EnableDisableControls

End Function

On each form -
Sub DisableControls()
'Disable all controls in the detail section of the form named '????'
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = EnableDisableControls("CentralFunctions", 0, False)

End Sub

I will be most grateful for any help anyone can give.


08-14-2009, 04:33 AM
That does not "hide" the controls, it either "Enables" or "Disables" them.
You have to use the Visible function and either set it to True (visible) or False (Invisible)

08-14-2009, 04:51 AM
Sorted, I had missed off the Call DisableControls in the Sub form_open