View Full Version : Extremely slow opening menu screen

08-18-2009, 04:51 AM
I have an application that begins with a flash screen then a user sign on. After the sign on a menu appears.

My problem: the menu can take as much as 3 to 5 minutes to open. I've done everything I can think of to speed up the process.

The menu consists of 5 or 6 tab pages, each with its own set of button controls. Each HAD a list control showing documents recently posted from the tab page related to it. To speed things up I removed all of these list screens and added a control button that will open a separate page for each list control.

There is no table or query that is opened at the time the menu form opens. I've narrowed things down to the fact that the only thing opening at the time the menu is opened is the menu itself - no queries to sort or anything like that.

I have the program running on my own system and the response time seems fine. I have a fairly powerful MS Vista machine.

But when running on a customer's machine the program becomes painfully slow to open (once open the program runs normally through every level).

Also: if I go from Form View to Design View on the menu in the customer location, the delay in going to design view is excrutiating. And then when returning to Form View, the delay is palpable.

The application is using MS Access 2002.

Just to test once again the problem, I just signed on to my customer's network. I opened the application and the menu came up in about 10 seconds! Then I went in to Design View, made a one word change to a tab name, and going back to Form View took over 6 minutes.

Any suggestions? Thanks

08-18-2009, 05:07 AM
Do you have a seperate backend database? If yes, is it on a server or a shared drive? I've experienced slowdowns similar to what you're describing that are caused by delays because the shared drive containing the backend is in another part of the country, which leads to slow network response.

08-18-2009, 05:11 AM
Yes I have a front end program and back end database set up. But the back end is on the server on the same floor in the same building as the workstations.