View Full Version : A weird problem with the chart

08-24-2009, 09:15 AM
Hi All,

I amI am displaying three charts in my Parent Form. These charts get loaded few seconds after the teh form is loaded (I think is delay is due to the time takne by Access to generate the queries associated with these charts).

I also hava a refresh button which when clicked will update the charts with latest data.

From last one week I am facing a weird problem. One of the charts is not appearing.

This not happening to all the users, but only to few. Also it is not necessary that the same user will face the problem next day. Some times the chart wil apprear after clicking "Refersh Charts" Button. Sometime chart will get loaded initially but once the refresh button is clicked it will disapper.....!!!!!!!!!!!

No where in the code or the chart properties the chart has been made invisible.

I am using Access 2003. Thirteen users are using this tool.

Can anyone guid me regarding why this is happening....??????

08-24-2009, 06:46 PM
Is there any reason why the queries would not be generating data for those charts at that point in time?

08-25-2009, 12:49 AM
Logically no.

But is it possible that when network is slow or when the same query is being executed by many users. Access is not able to provide the data.....?????

:doh: :doh: :doh:


08-25-2009, 09:16 PM
Shouldn't be, because no matter how long the query takes to run, the report will only display once the query is finished.

08-26-2009, 04:58 AM
This sounds like the Vista/Access 2000-2003 problem, if it is I have not found a fix on my Computer, although there are some to try. One is running Access as Administrator.

08-26-2009, 06:47 AM
I am using Access 2003.

And this application is being used by complete team i.e 11 members.

Really this is so frustrating that Access just acting weird.



08-26-2009, 12:20 PM
Do the problem Computers have Windows Vista running on them?
On mine the Graphs are there in design view but not in normal form mode.

08-27-2009, 09:15 AM
OBP, I am using windows XP & Acces 2003 at office so I do not know how will it respond in Vista.
The Graph is being displayed in normal form mode.

Still I tested the same in my house under Access 2007 on Vista Home Basic. Its working fine. But its the completely different environment compared to my office.

08-28-2009, 06:31 AM
See this thread for possible fixes.

08-28-2009, 07:13 AM
Thanks OBP, I will test this out on Monay as my team has already started using my application for the day.